Community newspaper serving Kingsville, Leamington, Wheatley and surrounding area


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Sports Submission

  1. The first paragraph should always tell the story. If your team won a tournament, say that in the first paragraph. Use subsequent paragraphs for details.

  2. As a general rule of thumb,  numbers under 10 should always be spelled out (example: nine) unless part of a score or a name. Numbers 10 and over should always be just the number (example: 25).

  3. Please avoid using nicknames, exclamation marks and ampersands (&) whenever possible.
  4. Keep writeups to under 300 words as we have lots of teams wanting their stories in and space is limited. The ideal length is between 150 and 200 words.

  5. Pictures should be jpgs and always as large as possible. If your phone, tablet or computer asks you to send a smaller file, please don’t. Small photos (8” and under) tend to pixelate when used in print production.

  6. When submitting photos, please include first and last names in the order they appear in the photos. 

CLICK HERE  to see our special pricing if your team needs a banner.

Do you have a sports story idea?

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