The annual John R. Park Homestead Maple Syrup Festival was busy over the weekend, attracting families, couples and kids of all ages to their grounds on County Rd. 50 — all wanting to explore the process of making maple syrup the old-fashioned way.
This past weekend, March 8-9, was Lumberjack Weekend, with many visitors dressed in plaid, featuring a beard and moustache contest, axe throwing station, sawmill action, crafts and vendors. The day also featured demonstrations on tree-tapping and the cooking of the sap into syrup.
The Park House was open for visitors to take a leisurely stroll through the grounds, where they could visit the blacksmith, barns and sawmill.
This coming weekend — March 15-16 — is called Tasters’ Weekend, with several vendors on site, winter hikes throughout the grounds and the famous tasting of the syrup. Advance tickets are available on their website at

Emelie Mellow of Comber tries her hand at the axe throwing station, after some quick lessons from Julius Langpeter.
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Scott Harrison, centre, won the best overall moustache, flanked by judges Jeff Hagan (John R. Park Advisory Board Member) and Justin Mailloux (owner of Watson & Slade Barbershop), sponsors of the Most Boast-Worthy Beard and Moustache contest.
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Clancy Schell, centre, won the best full beard, flanked by judges Jeff Hagan (John R. Park Advisory Board Member) and Justin Mailloux (owner of Watson & Slade Barbershop), sponsors of the Most Boast-Worthy Beard and Moustache contest.
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