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Holding the cheque is Food Bank President Veronica Costa along with K of C Council 4501 Treasurer Nick Lutsch.
The Knights of Columbus St. Michael’s Council 4501 made a generous donation of $2,750 to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Leamington Food Bank. Holding the cheque is Food Bank President Veronica Costa along with K of C Council 4501 Treasurer Nick Lutsch. In the back are representatives from Council 4501 and volunteers with St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank, from left, Ron McCracken, Frank Baptista, Dave McCormick, Don Bedore, Susan Stone, Luis Sardinha, Jane Donaldson, Herman De Goey, Karen Koestler and Joann Petri-MacPherson.
SUN photo by Paul Forman

Knights donate to SVDP Food Bank

Many members from the Knights of Columbus St. Michael’s Council 4501 were on hand at St. Michael’s Church on February 10 as they proudly presented their annual donation to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Leamington Food Bank.

With funding provided by Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation and through the cooperation of Chances Gaming Lounge, the Knights were able to raise $2,750 that will be used for the food bank’s food support program that assists local community neighbours that are in need.

Joann Petri-MacPherson, executive secretary of the local St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank, expressed the organization’s appreciation of the efforts made by the members of the K of C Council 4501. 

“Our organization is so grateful to receive this donation,” said Petri-MacPherson.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Leamington Food Bank is always seeking food and monetary donations from the community and, in particular, are asking for food donations of peanut butter, tuna, pancake mix, juice, coffee and tea.

Anyone looking to help out can drop off a donation at the main lobby of St. Michael’s Parish on Elliott Street in Leamington or can visit the food bank in the parish hall on Wednesdays from 5 to 7 pm.

This week’s
online edition

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

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