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Photo courtesy of Wheatley Horticultural Society

Wheatley Garden Tour June 8

The 2024 Wheatley Horticultural Society Garden Tour will be held on Saturday, June 8 from 11 am to 4 pm.

This year’s tour will offer six residential gardens around town and a visit to an operational flower farm that is not usually open to the public.

With each garden totally unique, attendees can expect to tour properties that are on ravines, near the lake and even one that has thousands of flowers growing.

“It’s not just about the flowers,” says Horticultural Society member Deb Mineau. “It’s how they take the space available and make it their own.”

Tickets are $30 per person and include all stops on the tour and light refreshments. Tickets are available at Moody’s Flowers, DeGoey’s in Chatham, Bowman Feeds, Lil Hil’s and Briar Patch Studios.

Ticket holders must provide their own transportation and should allow about three hours to complete the tour. With ticket in hand, you can stop at the Wheatley Resource Centre starting at 11 am and pick up a booklet, which outlines the gardens you’ll see and gives directions to each. The self-guided tour can be accessed in any order you’d like.

“There’s an incredible group of people from the Wheatley area that do an amazing job for this town,” said Mineau.

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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

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