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Windsor Symphony Orchestra at Gore Hill Public School

As a finale to their two-week elementary school tour, Windsor Symphony Orchestra brought their melodic sounds to Leamington as they entertained students at Gore Hill Public School on November 3. 

Emphasizing the connection between learning to play music and its positive influence on other school subjects, the concept of rhythm and beat was put on centre stage at the school.

Becky Ng, WSO Education & Outreach Manager, said that the 19 musicians from all of their instrumental disciplines were excited to bring the symphony to the children. 

“The kids have greeted us with so much enthusiasm on our tour and it’s great to help build young minds through music,” said Ng.

Assistant Conductor of the WSO, Francisco Hernandez Bolanos, had the students actively participate by marching to various beats and educated the students by sharing how an understanding of the beat adds to our enjoyment of music. 

“Everything in nature is related to rhythms and it’s how music stays together,” said Hernandez Bolanos. “Music is for all and our tour brings the sounds to the kids in their place of comfort.”

Gore Hill music teacher Hayley Petrino has recently put together a band of 25 players who will form their own orchestra of sorts at the school.

“Our students are so excited to see the orchestra, for many it is their first exposure to this,” said Petrino. “We’ve been working on active listening and my students get to apply our studies as they see how instruments can be played at such an expert level.”          

The Windsor Symphony Orchestra’s concert programming will continue for another two years with the intention of the WSO visiting all of the elementary schools in the Greater Essex County system.

This week’s
online edition

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

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