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Erica Whaley of Wheatley, left, and daughters Leigha and Mariah thoroughly enjoyed the poutine on Sunday, September 10. They decided to try a different poutine from each of the three trucks. Erica enjoyed the Meat Lovers Poutine from Juniors, while Leigha went with the Classic Poutine from Tragically Chip. Mariah opted for the Mac and Cheese Poutine from Groovy Gravy. All three said their poutines were excellent.
SUN photo

Poutine Feast was uniquely Canadian

The inaugural edition of the Leamington Pou- tine Feast produced plenty of gravy and cheese curds over the weekend as locals flocked to Seacliff Park for a taste of Canadiana.

Three poutine profes- sional food trucks were stationed atop the hill to provide several different types of the gooey treat for patrons to try out.

Leamington resident Warren Dunford was there for his first-ever taste of poutine and stuck to the classic poutine, but others in the park were busy trying out concoctions like Butter Chicken Poutine, Mac and Cheese Poutine and even Pizza Pop Poutine.

The event was put on by Poutine Feast Ontario, which travels the province hosting such events in a different city each summer weekend.

Spokesperson Jamie Lynch said they were happy with the Leamington turnout.

“It was a great weekend,” said Lynch. “They (the poutineries) said they can’t wait to come back again next year!”

The three poutineries involved were Groovy Gravy, Junior’s Upper Deck Express and Tragically Chip.

A vote was held on Sunday by a local judging panel and Groovy Gravy won the favourite poutine award for their Tater Tot Poutine.

The event also featured several games and activi- ties for kids as well as face painting and visits from Elsa and Anna, and Ken and Barbie from F.A.B. Parties and Events.

This week’s
online edition

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

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